Sunday, August 22, 2010

My friends!Something Special for You!

Friends we are,
forever friends we'll be,
Wherever we are,
you're right beside me.

I hope we stay friends
'til the end of time,
And whenever that is,
our friendship will still shine.

You mean the world to me,
I hope the same with you,
You're always helping me,
whatever it takes you'll do.

Now that we're growing older,
changing our ways,
I know we won't lose our friendship-
I hope I never see that day.

So to every one of my friends,
you mean the world to me,
Friends we are,
forever friends we'll be.

p/s; jumpa dekat blog member reen..besh sgt ayat dia..sumenya special tok kawan-kawan yang mengenali reen.


  1. macam biasa... dalam kehidupan, kawan yang kekal memang susah nak wujud... tapi, sekurang-kurangnya kita tahu pilih kawan... jujur itu paling indah!

  2. nanad:copy paste kat blog awaklah..marah x..huhu

  3. daud:btul tuh..reen nieyh tah bila arr ada kawan yg sama2 ngan kita time susah senang..kalu ada pon..susahlah
